This is one of Ashwin's birthday gifts that I had put away for later because how could a two year old possibly play with radio controlled toys?! Answer? Very well indeed!

This thing guzzles batteries at the rate of 4 "AA" energizers per few hours of play.
oh, he is adorable! I wish I was good at remote-controlled things.
And amma thought he was too young for that metal car which had to pushed around!
Is Ashwin wearing crocs? How many pairs of footwear does he have??
Fake crocs. Bought it for less than $6. Not enough pairs of shoes anymore because his feet had a growth spurt!
r u still in singapore ?? :)
i mean wow, i still have a chance to aim and fire ! but im sure he poses more naturally to you than he would to a stranger with a big fat black machine..
After all, he is my grandson
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