The "okkachi"s continued throughout the trip. In his language, he had:
Buss okkachi, Tachi okkachi, Horse okkachi, Ato okkachi - (scale as a problem here as he actually wanted to sit down "in" this auto and me to join him as well! It didn't help at all that his thatha gave him a car in which you can open the doors (about the size of my palm)- he wanted to okkachi in that as well! Anyone knows the formula to shrink kids?), Bike okkachi (he finally took not one but two bike rides! And still stunned and pink in his cheeks, announced that the bike went DDDRRRRRRRR) and Thee okkachi - after about 3 hours, this got stale and he declared "thee okkachi aaaa" and then let him climb the upper berth and he was amazed all over again! Of course, he had to push me at night and say "goooo" because a boy needs space in bed and he cannot share a berth with me! And of course the mundane kai (car) okkachi..
To him, India must be a boy's ultimate fantasy!
And of course, there were people! We arrived in the guest house when only Madhu was there. Soon, all the thathas and paatis, all 9 of them, returned. To say the least, Ashwin was overwhelmed - quite the same reaction his father had in a similar situation really. Soon, he got over his shock of his large family when he realised that this means attention from so many people! Thathas were of course his favourite as they would indulge him with physical play.
He learnt what fun it is to whack someone and asked for more and more and more of that. It was sooo much fun playing husha busha with thathas and paatis and laughing when they fall down!
And pretty girls! What boy wouldn't love the company of pretty girls?!
There was also a doggie in the guest house which was partaking of Ashwin's affection. Or tolerating being roused from sleep, I'm not sure which :)
When we arrived at the Chennai central and he asked me to carry him, he DID NOT scream his head off when I passed on my luggage to other people to carry - and he did not persist in his screaming until I got back every piece of my belonging (even then, he kept scanning other people's bags to check if they still had mine!). And he ABSOLUTELY DID NOT cry when Madhu took what was supposed to be my tea cup and keep at the crying until it was duly returned to me. Also? He did not make Madhu and paati choke on their food by stuffing a big chunk of plain white rice into his mouth at lunch. And he did not cause Paati's heart to lurch by keeping not one but two phones off the hook all the time that he was awake!
Oh, there was this!
Congratulations once again couple-to-be!

{{{ Vijay is hunching. MAJORLY! }}}
Such a cute post.. And you left the part where Ashwin was "protecting" your chair while you were busy with the function. All moms should learn to train their kids from you!!! And we found "opa door" and "cosh the door" so adorable especially in the car when he was saying it every time he lifted his shirt up:).. Miss Ashwin kutti so much:( By the way the "Vijay is hunching majorly" comment was not required. NOBODY ASKED!!
Oops..The anonymous is me Madhu Chitti.
More than Ashwin the Thathas and Pattis enjoyed his trip to Chennai.
Nee avanukku drishti suthipodu.
When I hear of kids not eating properly I have been telling their moms to send them to get trained by Professor Ashwin.
I need to stop this though.
me disagrees...the comment was needed :)attach this accnt in the engagemnet album.
gr8 reporting :)
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