Thursday, June 9, 2011

And one

One thing Divya hates is bedtime. At about 6pm she will start chanting "no tach" and will give you a greatful smile if you agree with her, "no tach". Off late, as she is getting smarter, she has started adding other conditions too : No lie down. No make baby tach. You can't trick this little girl.

So last night, when she finally went to her bed, I wanted to cover her with her blanket but she wanted to do it herself. So she said:

Andme do. And. then. you. OK?

One amdme turn
one amma turn
one amdme turn
one amma turn
one amdme turn
one amma turn
one little boy lives down the lane.



As my pretty, cute and charming daughter turned two and developed a personality of her own, I finally woke up to document the cuteness in this stage of her life.

If this girl were to write an autobiography, it will be called : Amdme soooo pretty. That confident she is of her beauty and takes great pride in it. Pay her a compliment and you will be her best friend.

Here's to a joyous journey through Divya's childhood!