"I'm going to push the stick down".
This is a sentence that is heard in my house atleast 20 times a day. It is the ultimate negotiation tool.
I want to choose the first yogurt.
I want to choose first
No, me.
No MEEEEEEEEE (from identical yogurt tubs btw.)
OK, then I'm going to push the stick down.
OK anna, you can choose first.
Divya, help me tidy up.
OK, then I'm going to push the stick down.
OK anna, i help you.
I want to take doggie to sleep.
I want doggie.
OK, then I'm going to push the stick down.
Anna, you take doggie, I take pooh bear.
And on and on and on.
So what is this stick, you wonder? The stick with super powers to resolve sibling conflicts? The stick that lets Anna have his way?
One of the sprinklers in the yard that pops up for retic and doesn't go back down. The battle at home is who pushes this sprinkler back.